Terms of Sale 

1. General

These conditions of sale govern the relationship between WCE, S.L. and the customer, and replace any other terms that appear in this or any other document unless otherwise specifically stated in writing by a WCE, S.L. advisor. Thus, these conditions of sale cancel and exclude any other stipulation incorporated by the customer, either in the order itself or during any type of negotiation or ongoing commercial transaction established between WCE, S.L. and the customer, constituting the full understanding between WCE, S.L. and the customer for the sale of the products of the former.

The descriptions that appear in the catalogue, website or any other WCE, S.L. medium are provided by the manufacturers of the respective products and may contain errors.

WCE, S.L. WCE, S.L. is responsible for the obligations contained in the commercial offers it makes, during their validity (30 days), and for all the conditions of sale, billing and delivery of products that appear in the contract between WCE, S.L. and the client.

2. Prices

WCE, S.L. will inform you at all times of the price applicable to each product. The sale of the products will be carried out, in any case, for the price that appears in the offer at the time of placing the order and not for the prices on the website, which may contain errors..

3. Transport

The seller is exempt from any liability for damage to the products or delays in deliveries in the event that the buyer has chosen another means of transport or another carrier other than that established by WCE, S.L. In such cases, the costs incurred by the shipment of the goods will be paid by the buyer directly to the carrier chosen by him, and the responsibility for the product on the part of WCE, S.L. will end with the delivery of the same to the aforementioned carrier.

4. Orders

By placing the order, it is assumed that the customer knows and accepts the general conditions of sale of WCE, S.L. in force on the date of placing the order.

5. Inspection, delays in transit and non-delivery

The customer must inspect the products as soon as reasonably possible after delivery and, if any defect in the products is observed or if any other incident occurs related to the supply made, including incomplete delivery, incorrect delivery or non-delivery of one or more products contained in the order, he must notify WCE, S.L. in the most detailed way possible, within a period not exceeding thirty (30) days from delivery, in which case, the provisions of clause 7 will apply.

If the customer does not make such notification, it will be definitively assumed that the products are, in all respects, in accordance with the contract and free from any defect that would be evident on reasonable examination, and consequently, it will be considered that the customer has accepted the products.

Under no circumstances will WCE, S.L. The Company shall be obliged to compensate the customer for damages or for non-delivery or delay in delivery of all or part of the products for whatever reason, or for any consequential or other loss arising from non-delivery or delay in delivery.

The customer must reject packages that are delivered with errors or damaged.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to the sale of consumer goods to consumers, which shall be governed by the provisions of the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws and any other concordant provisions that are applicable to it and, in particular, but without limitation, with regard to the rights of the consumer regarding the conformity of the goods sold with the contract, their repair, replacement, price reduction and termination of the sales contract. This is stated without prejudice to the statement contained in clause 7 final, given that the professional activity of the company is not directed at end consumers, but at businessmen and professionals.

6. Transfer of Risk and Ownership

The risk of loss or damage to the products will be transferred to the customer at the time of delivery, either to the customer or to the carrier chosen by the customer. On the contrary, the ownership of the products will not be transferred to the customer until all sums due to WCE, S.L. by the customer have been paid.

Except when payment is made entirely in cash, the entire price will not be considered paid until the check or any other payment instrument provided by the customer has been presented or paid according to its terms.

The non-payment of the amounts due for price and expenses by the buyer will give rise to the termination of the contract at the request of the seller. The failure of the seller to deliver the goods will give rise to the termination of the contract at the request of the buyer.

7. Guarantee

The material and/or equipment is subject to the minimum guarantee granted by the supplier, from the day of delivery and acceptance (without observations).

Acceptance by WCE, S.L. of the return of the material will be conditional on prior acceptance by the supplier of said return, replacement...

The process of returning products or parts under warranty is subject to the same conditions and restrictions established in clause 13. Any product or part that is replaced by another will be the property of WCE, S.L. at the time of receipt.

For these purposes, WCE, S.L. declares that its professional activity is aimed at businessmen or professionals and never at end consumers. Therefore, the catalogue, website or any other promotional material prepared by WCE, S.L. is understood to be aimed exclusively at this group who, when placing the order, wish to obtain supplies for business and/or professional reasons, and never as a consumer.

8. Information on Products and Stock Availability

Unless otherwise stated, the electrical specifications represent the safe operating limits. The dimensions and other physical characteristics are subject to normal commercial tolerances. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the product they have purchased is suitable for their project or application. WCE, S.L. recommends that the customer checks the dimensions and other data published in this catalogue together with future stock availability before incorporating the products into designs and any other critical application or purpose.

The technical information service of WCE, S.L. will be available to the customer to advise them on these and other matters related to the use of the products.

The information that WCE, S.L. provides on its website related to each of its products is the official information of the manufacturers of the same, which are responsible for their authenticity and which may contain some errors in them.

When the customer intends to supply the products to any other person, the customer will ensure that no warnings, labels, instructions, manuals or any other information relating to the products or their use have been lost or damaged in any way, while they are in their possession or under their control, and that they will be supplied with the products when they are no longer in their possession or under their control.

9. Declaration of Conformity with Quality

The products delivered will comply with the specifications published in the current catalogues of the manufacturers and with their quality standards, unless otherwise specified.

10. Liability

The conditions established in clause 7 ("Guarantee") include the maximum liability that will be assumed in relation to the products. The liability assumed by WCE, S.L. under these conditions will replace and exclude all other guarantees, conditions, terms and liabilities relating to the quality or suitability of the products for any particular purpose, except those that, because they are imposed by law, cannot be validly excluded.

In no case may it be understood that WCE, S.L. grants customers any additional commercial guarantee to that described in clause 7.

The manufacturers of the products marketed by WCE, S.L. They are not responsible for any defects, lack of correspondence with the specifications or samples, as well as for any injuries or damages that may have been caused.

11. Payment

Payments for the Products will be made in one of the following ways:

Using one of the following credit cards at the time of placing the order: VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTER CARD.

Deferred payment for companies by direct debit or transfer, with prior approval from the Financial Management of WCE, S.L. of both this form of credit payment and the term.

12. Country of origin

Unless otherwise indicated, nothing in this catalogue should be taken as a representation of the source of origin, manufacture or production of the products or any part thereof.

13. Returns and handling costs

The customer must always request a return from WCE, S.L. Whatever the reason for the return, the product(s) must be sent in their original packaging and condition. WCE, S.L. staff will inform the customer of the procedure to follow for processing the return.

In the case of a return due to an error attributable to WCE, S.L. (previously accepted by WCE, S.L.), the customer must return the product(s) within thirty (30) days of receipt of the material. Both the shipping costs of the defective product and the new replacement product will be borne by WCE, S.L.

No returns will be accepted for products supplied with production packaging, calibrated products or any other type of products that have been specifically built or modified to meet a customer requirement.

14. Cancellation of orders

Total or partial cancellations of an order can only be accepted after prior negotiation and after agreeing to compensate WCE, S.L. for all expenses incurred. In the event of partial cancellation, WCE, S.L. reserves the right to invoice any difference in the sales price applicable to the amount delivered at the time of cancellation.

15. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The products offered for sale in this catalogue are protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations and have been subject to the corresponding patents, registered trademarks, registered designs, copyright, typography design and any other rights belonging to any person.

16. Force majeure

If WCE, S.L. If WCE, S.L. is unable or impeded from performing any contract due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of WCE, S.L. or due to its inability to provide the services, materials or items required for the performance of the contract except at a higher price, WCE, S.L. may, at its sole discretion, delay the performance of the contract or cancel it in whole or in part.

WCE, S.L. shall not be held liable for such delay, cancellation or inability to deliver any order. In particular, and although WCE, S.L. will use all reasonable efforts to deliver orders on the established date, in no event shall it be held liable for delays, cancellations or inability to deliver such products.

17. Applicable law

Contracts entered into between WCE, S.L. and the customer shall be interpreted and governed by Spanish law.

18. Export business

These conditions do not apply to export transactions, for which there are different conditions of sale.

In the event that the products supplied are exported directly by the client, the latter will be exclusively responsible for obtaining any necessary licence and for complying with any export regulations in force in Spain and in the country to which the goods are destined, without WCE, S.L. assuming any responsibility in the event of re-exportation by the client of our products to third parties in breach of the applicable export law.

All materials supplied by WCE, S.L. may require prior authorisation for export.

19. Data Protection

Please consult our privacy policy for more information on how we process your personal data.

20. Conditions of sale for the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla:

IGIC (local tax) and Customs charges are not included in the total order, therefore, they will not appear on the invoice. These charges must be paid to the carrier at the time of delivery of the order.

Orders for delivery to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla do not include VAT. If the amount is reflected in your order confirmation, it will not be included in the invoice.

The delivery time is approximately one week. The times shown on the website are for orders with delivery to the peninsula.